The NMNWSE Board's only position on the candidates is that we feel all the declared candidates are qualified, and we encourage all members to vote for the declared or write-in candidates of their choice.
Voting Notes and Instructions
Online Voting Form
Rebecca (Becca) Galves
Rebecca Galves is a motivated leader in outreach and broadening the participation of women and underrepresented minorities in computing, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). With degrees in Information Systems, Geography, and Business, Rebecca is responsible for extensive program development, management, and expansion of initiatives across New Mexico.
Currently serving as the Program Manager for the Center for Smart Grid Technologies with the NMSU Department of Computer Science, Rebecca and the outstanding Outreach team have provided out-of-school computing and STEM programming to over 16,000 K-12 students throughout the state. Rebecca collaborates with many organizations to empower, celebrate, and acknowledge the work of professional and young women, following her passion to bring together and support all people in their chosen fields, through collaboration, leveraging of resources, and community involvement.
 Click here for Becca's full profile.
Southern Chapter Member, Las Cruces and NMNWSE State EYH Chairs
We currently have no volunteer to run for this position - please contact the NMNWSE Board if you might be willing.
Jeanne Banks
Jeanne Banks has been a member of the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering for over 30 years, having served as State President and Vice President, State EYH Coordinator and has chaired the Annual Meeting and Policies and Procedures Committees. She has supported the Central EYH in several capacities over the years, most recently as the Workshop Presenter Coordinator. She has served as Treasurer in other organizations for a total of 12 years. Her other involvement in support of women's education is the American Business Women's Association. She has been an ABWA member for almost 35 years and served as an officer at the local, regional and national levels.
Jeanne retired from Northrop Grumman after a 34+ year career as a program manager, system developer and test director. In addition to her organizational involvement, she now spends her time hiking with her husband, John, traveling, and spoiling her grandchildren.
Current NMNWSE Treasurer and NMNWSE Central Chapter President. Member since 1986.
Sarah Balizan
Sarah Balizan is a Las Cruces native who attended NMSU for a bachelors of Biology/Biochemistry and a Masters of Science in Biology and Biotechnology. She worked on research and development in genetics research from squid to algae, before changing careers to education. She has been at Dona Ana Community College (DACC) for 6 yrs teaching Anatomy & Physiology 2 and Cellular and Organismal Biology. She oversees and developed Anatomy Academy for grade school education and outreach of anatomy through current DACC students teaching 5th graders. She is also co-chair of the DACC STEM student group. She loves teaching along with running and outdoor adventures. Fun tidbit, she has a rescue mix (kind way of saying mutt) who is named Liger. Liger believes she is a 75lb lapdog and will be taking her therapy dog test in December.
Southern Chapter Member.
Tinka Gammel
Tinka is a theoretical Condensed Matter Physicist doing Equation of State work at Los Alamos National Lab.
She has served as NMNWSE Communications Chair and Board Member since about 2000. She moved the NMNWSE Careers book from hardcopy to the web, created the first "NMNWSE Careers CD" for the NMNWSE EYH conferences, and has overseen several revisions to the NMNWSE Careers Book and Careers CD, and served for 15 years as the NMNWSE webmaster - or more accurately, "web-amateur" ☺.
Current NMNWSE Communications Chair. NMNWSE Central Chapter. Member since 1996.
Continuing & Departing Board Members
Continuing Executive Board members:
Rebecca Galves, Southern Chapter, changing from President to Past-President, running for Pres
Barbara Torres, Central Chapter, continuing as Secretary
Continuing At-Large Board Members:
Diane Albert, Central Chapter
Claudia Barreto, Central Chapter
Cheri Burch, Central Chapter
Lina Germann, Central Chapter
Dana Roberson, Central Chapter
Rajaa Shindi, Central Chapter
Departing Board members running for re-election:
Tinka Gammel, Central Chapter
Departing Board members not running for re-election:
Karmen Lappo, Central Chapter
Please visit the board webpage for current Chapter Presidents, EYH Chairs, and Ad-hoc and Standing Committee Chairs, who are not elected by NMNWSE statewide Elections and are presumed to not be changing unless they have notified the board.
And a big THANKS! to all our current and past board members and EYH and committee chairs!