New Mexico Network for
Women in Science and Engineering

PO Box 51926, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87181 USA
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Candidates are listed in alphabetic order by position, and provided their own profile (although we may have edited to shorten). The NMNWSE Board's only position on the candidates is that we feel all the declared candidates are qualified, and we encourage all members to vote for the declared or write-in candidates of their choice.

 Voting Notes and Instructions
 Online Voting Form

(or at-large)

 Diane Albert
NMNWSE member since 1993. Regular EYH presenter and/or committee member. Degrees in Math Education (BS, Ohio State), Metallurgical Eng. and Materials Sci. (PhD, Carnegie Mellon), and Law (UNM). Currently working as an attorney at NM's leading IP law firm in Albuquerque, Peacock Myers, PC. Holds NM secondary school teaching license in math and science and volunteers as a tutor. Certified personal trainer and fitness specialist. Several awards including the "Governor's Award for New Mexico Outstanding Women" and "Ten Who Made a Difference in northern New Mexico". Committed to empowering young girls to consider choosing careers in science and technology, advocating wise water and land use, preserving, protecting, and enhancing our National Parks, preserving the history and unique culture of New Mexico, and advocating and teaching healthy lifestyles for women and children.


 Claudia Barreto
I was a curator of paleontology at the Milwaukee Public Museum. I left my job to earn a Ph.D. in cell biology. I became a professor at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee where I was the Science Education Specialist. I was very active in the UW System Women & Science Program (= Board Member 1997-2005, Co-Chair for 2 years and presented numerous presentations & workshops at our meetings). I was also the UWM Representative to the Committee on Institution Cooperation Women in Science & Engineering consortium (CIC WISE). I became a professor at UNM Valencia Campus so I could devote more of my efforts to enhancing teaching and learning. NMNWSE Board member 2006.

(see also VP candidates)

 Wendee Brunish
technical staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory since 1984, expertise is in explosion phenomenology and the containment of underground nuclear tests. A.B. in physics (Vassar College, 1975); graduate studies in astrophysics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (M.S. 1977, Ph.D. 1981); postdoctoral research at the University of Southern California. Currently Group Leader for the Geophysics Group in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Division. Experience includes: member of the Laboratory Women's Committee; first chair of the Employee Advisory Committee; headed the successful effort to establish an Ombuds Office at the Lab; participated in all three of the DOE Laboratory Womens Forums; long-time member of LAWIS, participating regularly in the annual Expanding Your Horizons conference; promoted LANL involvement in MentorNet, the national e-mentoring program; currently working to bring a pilot mentoring program to EES Divsion at the Lab to add in the retention of female post-docs and early career scientists. Wendee is strongly committed to improving the environment for women in science through educational outreach, mentoring, professional development, and policies to enhance work/life balance, and looks forward to working with NMNWSE on these issues.

 Cheri Burch
Computer science background, now retired. Worked in R&D in industry first half of career, then teaching high school (mostly) computer science and (some) physics last half. Currently pursuing graduate degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering at UNM. And I still pursue my lifelong interest in correcting the under-representation of women in physical science, computer science, and engineering. Sharing in chairing NMNWSE Annual Meeting this year.

 Jennifer Nisengard
technical staff member at LANL Environment Protection Division (started 2000). PH.D Anthropology (U OK, 2006), M.A. Anthropology (U CO), B.A. Anthropology (SUNY Fredonia). Extensive archaeological fieldwork, artifact analysis, and site research; currently working in clean-up of legacy waste, energy and fuels reduction working group, and environmental compliance. Jennifer enjoys the beauty of the New Mexico environment, and participates in a great number of outreach programs, in Los Alamos and Santa Fe.

 Megan Richardson
background in mathematics, computer science, and linguistics. Currently teaching science at an elementary school in Las Cruces, working on computational linguistics and psycholinguistics research, and learning web programming. Member of Graduate Women in Science, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Society of Women Engineers, Association for Computational Linguistics, and Mathematical Association of America. Associated with the Las Cruces chapter of NMNWSE.

 See also VP candidates
You can vote for them for member-at-large if you don't vote for them as VP.