The 2007 NMNWSE Technical Symposium and Annual Meeting
will be held 26-28 October 2007 at the
Eklund Hotel, 15 Main St, Clayton, NM.
Click on Flyers + Calls for the Call for Papers for the Technical Session.
Post-deadline abstracts and Registrations still being accepted!
Revised Meeting schedule and Technical Presentation Abstracts now available!
The 1st Annual NMNWSE IMPACT! Award will be presented at the Meeting.
IMPACT! Award information and nomination forms are available at
Nomination deadline: 17 August 2007
The 2008 Annual NMNWSE Board will be also be elected at the Meeting.
Online voting form for 2008 NMNWSE board now available!
If you are considering attending but are not ready to register, please complete the online Interest Survey. It does not register you or obligate you to attend - it is simply to help us with advance planning to insure a good conference for all.
The survey also includes a checkbox to indicate if you are interested in serving on the 2008 NMNWSE board, which will be elected at the Annual Meeting.
If you will be attending, we recommend making your room reservations as as soon as possible, as space in the conference hotel is limited - see the Hotel Reservations page for the Conference Hotel contact info and overflow suggestions.
Further meeting details will be be available late summer 2007. The deadline for registration and abstracts is 1 October 2007, but post-deadline registrations and abstracts will be accepted on a space available basis. See the registration form notes for more information.
Students, and members with exceptional circumstances, can apply for a meeting scholarship to cover costs. See the registration form notes for more information.