The 2007 NMNWSE Annual Meeting Planning Committee would like your help in making this a good meeting. If you might attend, or you'd like to give input for future meetings, please fill in the survey below.
The meeting will be 26-27 Oct 2007 in Clayton, NM. For more details, see
*1) This form is for: (name, plus email or other contact info)
*2) How likely are you to attend the Annual Meeting?
probably will attend 50/50 chance probably will not attend
*3) Are you an NMNWSE member?
yes thinking about joining (click for membership information) no
*4) Would you be willing to run for the 2008 NMNWSE board? (will be elected at the meeting)
yes might be arm-twistable no
5) Are you interested in giving a paper in the technical session?
probably 50/50 chance probably not
6) If you come, what accomodations would you need for yourself and any accompanying persons?
0 1 2 3 4+ people in 0 1 2 3 4+ rooms staying both Friday and Saturday nights just Friday night just Saturday night 0 nights, attending day sessions on 10/27 Check if you are: potentially willing to share a room if space is limited interested in childcare interested in accompanying persons program
7)  What kinds of featured events or entertainment interest you? At this year's meeting, we plan to feature an after-dinner speaker on Saturday who will highlight the local geology, environment, history, or other local interest. Please use the space for comments at the end of this form to give more information about your preferences.
Please rate in order of preference (NR=no response/neutral, 1=most preferred, 5=least preferred, No=prefer not): NR 1 2 3 4 5 No Technical Keynote Speaker NR 1 2 3 4 5 No Local Interest Speaker NR 1 2 3 4 5 No Career Development Speaker NR 1 2 3 4 5 No Music or Other Entertainment NR 1 2 3 4 5 No None / Just Network Would you or accompanying person be interested in providing entertainment? no / yes (please indicate what: )
8) Which is more important to you?
good food, good entertainment, own room, etc. keeping costs down I will probably apply for a scholarship good food etc vs. keeping costs down are equally important to me
9) Other comments or suggestions?
a) This is just to help us with meeting planning and does not register you or reserve hotel space.
b) Contact the hotel directly to make your room reservations.
c) Meeting registration forms will be available later this summer.
d) Students, and members with exceptional circumstances, can apply for a meeting scholarship to cover costs - details will be included with meeting registration.
e) Our planning assumes persons staying Friday night will be joining us for the Friday reception and Saturday breakfast, meeting attendees and about 1/2 the accompanying persons will join us for lunch Saturday, all will join us for dinner Saturday, and persons staying Saturday night will join us for breakfast Sunday. If you would like us to plan for something different, or if you have dietary restrictions or need special accomodations that you'd like us to plan for, please include that in the other information box (#9 above).
f) NMNWSE is a non-profit organization, and the registration fee will reflect actual costs. Our target is to keep the typical total cost (registration plus hotel and food) for a person to attend at about $150 to $200 (assuming 1 night hotel stay).