Click here for voting instructions and notes re alternate methods to vote, etc.
Click here for the candidate profiles.
This form is for: (enter your name - see instructions)
Are you currently a member in good standing, or will be by 17 Oct 2009?
Yes No Unsure
Your Votes: You may vote for a given person only once, and must select a choice for each declared candidate (including not voting for them). You may vote for only 1 person for VP, only 1 person for Secretary, and up to 5 people for At-Large - including write-in's. You must also select a choice for the motion. Voting for more than allowed will invalidate your ballot.
Shall Article I of the NMNWSE Articles of Incorporation be amended for the purpose of making our legal name consistent with our name as in our Bylaws to read as follows: ARTICLE I. Name. The name of the corporation shall be NEW MEXICO NETWORK FOR WOMEN IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, INC.
Comments, if any: