The 2010 NMNWSE Technical Symposium and Annual Meeting
be held 8-10 October 2010 at the
Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico.
Second Circular
AM 2010 Registration now open!
Click on the sidebar links for more information.
you might come but are not yet ready to register, please fill in the Interest Survey to help us with meeting planning.
See the timeline and notes below, and the links in the sidebar to the right, for important dates, the call for papers, online registration, conference hotel information, and further meeting details.
The 4th Annual NMNWSE IMPACT! Award will be presented at the Meeting.
Award information and nomination forms are available at
Nomination deadline: 17 September 2010.
The 2011 NMNWSE Board will be also be elected at the Meeting.
 Please contact the NMNWSE Board if you would be interested in helping with Board activities.
Jun 29
Conference registration opens
Sep 10
Nominations for Board candidates due
extended through in-person voting at annual meeting
Abstracts Due. Post-deadline abstracts for posters are accepted after Sep 10.
Last date for early registration. Late registration penalty applies after Sep 10.
Sep 15
Online voting for 2011 NMNWSE Board opens
Online voting now open! (10/7)
Sep 17
IMPACT! Award nominations due.
Sep 28
Last date for online late registrations. Contact the Meeting Chair if you wish to register in person at the meeting.
COB Oct 8
Online voting closes. Members who have not voted online may vote in person at the Annual Business Meeting on Sat, Oct 9, or call in a vote to Tinka Gammel at 505-690-1318 (until the in-person voting closes, around 9am Sat).
Oct 8-10
Annual Meeting
If you are considering attending
but are not ready to
please complete the online Interest Survey. It does not register you or obligate you to attend - it is simply to help us with advance planning to insure a good conference for all.
The survey also includes a checkbox to indicate if you are interested in serving on the 2011 NMNWSE board, which will be elected at the Annual Meeting.
We encourage you to make your reservations early.
See sidebar links or click here for the Registration Form.
Students, and members with exceptional circumstances, can apply for a meeting scholarship to cover costs -
see the call for papers and registration form notes for more information.
Contact the NMNWSE board if you have questions.
Further meeting details will be posted as available.