New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering PO Box 51926, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87181 USA 2010 Annual Meeting & Technical Symposium 8-10 October 2010, Valles Caldera National Preserve, NM CONFERENCE HOTEL |
We have reserved the Lodge and Bunkhouse for our meeting. (click on images for larger views)
If you wish to stay in the preserve indicate your preference on the conference registration and we will contact you in the order received to give you your choice of remaining beds.
Note the Preserve is otherwise closed during the meeting, so if there are any changes in your planned arrival from what you indicated on the registration form your will need to let the meeting registrar know, re opening the gate. There is cell phone service at the Lodge, so if there are last minute changes you can also call Tinka (505-690-1318) when you arrive to get the gate open, with the caveat that the cell phone reception at the Lodge is spotty so it is best if we know to be watching for a call. If you do not wish to stay in the Preserve, here are some webpages for nearby accomodations:
Scholarship applicants: Some of the less expensive rooms may be being held for scholarship applicants - please check with the meeting chair, or contact the NMNWSE Board. Disclaimer: This information is provided for the convenience of AM2010 attendees in finding lodging, and does not imply NMNWSE endorsement.