New Mexico Network for
Women in Science and Engineering

PO Box 51926, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87181 USA
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Careers: Exploring the Possibilities: created and published by NMNWSE for our EYH conferences
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Each year NMNWSE produces a "Careers CD" featuring our Careers Book along with related material we have received permission to reproduce. We give all students who attend NMNWSE Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) conferences a copy of the CD, as well as the winners of our awards at science fairs and similar STEM student competitions. As funds are available to support the CD printing, we also try to provide copies to give away at various STEM and career student events in New Mexico.

If you would like to suggest additional content, donate to support printing of this CD or NMNWSE's educational outreach efforts, or would like a sample copy of the CD, please contact the NMNWSE Board at or PO Box 1360, Los Alamos, NM 87544.

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Below are links to some of the materials and/or related information which have been included on the NMNWSE Careers CD over the years, or are being considered for inclusion:

Featured Content: NMNWSE Careers Book
Careers: Exploring the Possibilities
from the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering
Careers: Exploring the Possibilities, describes several careers and provides tips for job interviews, etc. This book is provided in two formats: the HTML version is best for browsing and the Adobe Acrobat PDF format prints nicely.
Other Career Books
New Mexico Career Solutions
from the New Mexico Department of Workforce Solutions
Are you ready to be a success, earn more money, work at a job you love, and be appreciated for it? This guide provides salary information and information about what you need to do to be ready to work in New Mexico.
Beating the Odds: Remarkable Women in Science
created by Science, an AAAS journal, in partnership with the L'Oréal Foundation
Beating the Odds: Remarkable Women in Science brings to the reader a collection of truly inspirational stories from women in all walks of life whose common passion is science. Not all are famous, but they are all successful in their own right.
Young Women in Science: Forging New Pathways
created by Science, an AAAS journal, in partnership with the L'Oréal Foundation
Young Women in Science: Forging New Pathways compliments Remarkable Women in Science by profiling young women at the start of their science careers, tell their stories of passion and persistence - what drives and excites them about their work in the sciences. These fun and inspirational stories give insight into what life as a scientist is all about.
Science Events, Contests, and Experiments
NMNWSE Expanding Your Horizons (EYH) Conferences
NMNWSE holds annual technical career workshops for teens in New Mexico licensed from the EYH Network - see the NMNWSE EYH pages for current year conference information including postable flyers, and the EYH Network's webpages for their online resources.
NM Supercomputing Challenge
Want to learn how to use powerful computers to solve real world problems? Win awards and prizes? If so, join the New Mexico Supercomputing Challenge! Visit or contact for more information.
Project GUTS
Project GUTS -- Growing Up Thinking Scientifically -- is a summer and after-school science, technology, engineering and math program for New Mexico middle school students. Want to join or start a program in your area? If so, visit or contact Irene Lee at for more information.
AIMS Science Experiments
from the AIMS Education Foundation
AIMS offers several free science experiments at various age levels to do at home or in the classroom. Have fun trying them!
They also have many excellent activity books and other resources, both free online and for purchase - see the AIMS website.
Getting Started in Astronomy
from Sky and Telescope
An easy guide to exploring the universe containing valuable tips for beginner stargazers, a detailed Moon map, and six bimonthly star charts for either the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. Interactive star charts can also be found online:
Sky and Telescope's interactive sky chart Google Earth's Explore the Sky feature
A New Universe to Discover: A Guide to Careers in Astronomy
from the American Astronomical Society
Contains answers to frequently asked questions about careers in Astronomy such as "What kind of jobs are there?" and "How much do Astronomers make?" Visit the AAS Educator Resources page for additional astronomy careers resources and educational materials.
Women Astronomers Who Made History 2010 Calendar
from She is an Astronomer (SIAA), a Cornerstone Project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009.
Modern astronomy cannot be understood without the extraordinary work of all those women who, thanks to their dedication and love for science, have left us their legacy. This calendar, available in Spanish and English, aims to help reconstruct the history of women in astronomy, which, as in other fields of knowledge, is poorly known. Unfortunately and updated calendar for the current year is not currently available. Visit for additional astronomy careers resources.
Careers in Biology
from the American Institute of Biological Sciences
Wondering what biologists do? This brochure describes job opportunities for biologists, suggests background and training requirements, highlights new directions and fields in biology, and provides additional resources.
Careers in Ecology
from the Ecological Society of America
Careers in Ecology contains information on types of ecology jobs and employers, ecology job outlook, ways to gain ecology experience, and contacts for ecology internships and job searching. See also the ESA's Education and Diversity webpage.
featured website:  
eGFI: Engineering - Go For It
from the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
The interactive eGFI website provides a wealth of information on engineering careers for students, teachers, parents, and others with an interest in engineering. See also the eGFI Magazine, with links to learn more about the exciting world of engineering.
featured website:  
Aboriginal Access to Engineering
from the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Queen's University
A Canadian website with information for kids, teachers and parents with culturally relevant educational materials about engineering careers.
Cool videos about Optics
from SPIE, the International Society for Optics and Photonics
Wondering what optics is? "Light in Action: Lasers, Cameras & other Cool Stuff" is an upbeat video showing that advancements in the science of light are all around us and the video "Optics: Light at Work" provides real world insight into technologies such as nanomedicine, space telescopes, invisibility and solar energy. "Careers in Optics" lets the viewer experience the excitement of people working in the fascinating world of optics. Visit SPIE's education page for more resources.
Physics in Your Future
from the American Physical Society
Physics in Your Future conveys the exciting possibilities of a career in physics. See also the Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics Archive
Explore, Understand, Succeed: Physics     Explora, Entiende, Triunfa  (en Español)
from the American Physical Society
Explore, Understand, Succeed: Physics welcomes students to the fascinating world of physics. Visit the APS Minorities in Physics webpage for more resources targeting increased minority participation in physics, including a nice poster. See also the outreach resources webpage.
InSight Physics Slide Show
from the American Physical Society
InSight Physics slide shows inform and excite students about careers and opportunities in physics, and can be customized for your needs. See also the APS Careers webpage for additional physics job and career resources.
Other NMNWSE Resources
Internet Science and Career Resources
A starting point for even more science and career related materials available on the internet.
NMNWSE - Who We Are
NMNWSE "Who We Are" trifold flyer, A brief summary of NMNWSE activities.
NMNWSE Annual Meeting & Technical Symposium, held each Fall, usually in late October. Students may apply for a meeting scholarship.
NMNWSE IMPACT! Award, this annual award recognizes a New Mexico woman for her extraordinary efforts in encouraging women to enter into and develop their careers in science and engineering.